Getting eligible to apply Vs Getting the PR Visa

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Getting eligible to apply Vs Getting the PR Visa

A lot of applicants get excited when they get eligible to apply for the PR visa as they think that they will surely get the PR visa just because they are eligible to apply for it. But that is not the fact. It is not their fault to think in that way as they are made to believe this by someone else. Now who are these people who make them believe that getting eligible to apply will surely land them the PR visa. These are some consultants in the industry, people on the social media platform sharing their views, some friends and relatives who are also thinking in the same way (obviously taught by someone else).

The difference between getting eligible and getting the PR visa is very simple. The eligibility criteria just lets you know whether you are eligible to apply or not for the PR visa, in simple words we can say it lets you know whether you can apply for the visa or not. It has to do nothing with getting the PR visa. It simply means that you can submit your PR application with the respective authorities and then the authority will let you know whether you will get the PR visa or not.

Now how the authority will assess that whether you should get the PR visa or not. The answer is once we submit our profile there are different types of points calculation, Profession assessment i.e. whether your profession is in demand or not, your language potency and many other factors which are taken in to consideration by the authority before inviting an applicant.

A responsible applicant should always take all these factors into consideration apart from the eligibility criteria before investing their Precious time, efforts and their hard earned money. Just remember that 90 out of 100 applicants may get eligible to apply but it is only the 10 out of that 90 applicants who will get the PR visa or even may be less than that.

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Eligibility, Permanent Residence, Visa

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